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#wetherbyhour - Jobs, local news, Networking, Live nights, local events,advertising #Wetherby #Harro

A massive thankyou to the lady behind #wetherbyhour. After moving back into the area building up a business is very difficult and meeting like minded people is even harder.

Thanks to #wetherbyhour I have met new friends through the social networking #livenights and gained amazing contacts and work! I know there is a stigma around Neworking (well I thought they had a stigma)! My vision in my head was a room full of people, pushing their business's not really lisitening to anything you were saying as it did not have a sale or end goal for them. Not being in a office enviroment ''I dont do mingling neworking''

Totally different to my vision in my head - Very relaxed, I've been to places on the #livenights I did not know were even there. I have also met people working and living in the Wetherby area, that have been a great help and really supportive. I have gained work and friends as a part of it and its not all about the live nights. You can #tweet from the comfort of your home on Tuesday night 8-9. Again, something I was not doing or did not even know about before meeting Jo. What was I doing before? I was even given help on how to get the best from Twitter, another great service Jo offers.

Working in the houses of customers, it amazes me how many people do not know whats going on around the local area and again I always tell them to have a look at #wetherbyhour or Wetherbyhours FB page and web page.

I'm not going to go on but you get the idea. If you need to know whats going on in the #Wetherby area join the twitter or FB page. If you would like to boost your business just contact Joanne Maltby, she has lots to offer, is a great support and her services are so reasonably priced. I know i'm not the only one to say this but I would not be getting my business out there if it was not for #wetherbyhour

Thanks again

Rich the Plasterer

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