Painting Guide
There is more to painting new plaster than some people think, get this vital stage wrong and you can end up in a decorating nightmare!
We’ve put together some helpful pointers to make this process stress free. Like plastering, a big element in painting is timing ‐ so never rush your work and don't be tempted to slap on
that second coat until the first one is dry!
ALWAYS remember, no mist coat means cracking and splitting of your paint ‐ if not prepared correctly, the new porous plaster will act as a sponge, sucking the moisture from the paint and causing it to crack.
• Always have a good roller. Don't be swayed be the DIY store's value pack, they don't
last. Buy either mid range or top end and wash them out after use every time meaning
that they will last for many DIY projects to come... this applies to your brushes as well.
• Your plaster must always be dry before painting, if it's still wet it will bleed through your
paint leaving horrible staining. Allow 5 ‐ 10 days depending on the time of year. What
you are looking for is for the plaster to turn from a dark brown to a light pink. This
indicates that all of the moisture has drawn out to the surface and evaporated. If in any
doubt contact your plasterer. Send a photo via a mobile device or PC and they will be
able to tell you.
• The plaster is now dry... let's mist coat! You are looking to seal the plaster all over with a
watered down coat of around 70% paint to 30% water. Don't worry about buying
expensive plaster sealers, they are over priced and this does just as good a job, if not
better. Use a good quality matt white paint, mix together well and pour into your roller
tray or scuttle.
• The mist coat needs to be applied like a normal coat of paint, except that you’re not
looking to cover all of the pink stuff in one go ‐ initially it will look like a transparent
white, hence the name mist coat. Cover all of the walls / ceiling and make sure that you
get the corners. Once completed leave to dry for around 2 hours. You may then start
your finishing coats as per the paint manufacturer’s instructions.